Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Post-Cold War US Foreign Policy - 1417 Words

Post-Cold War US Foreign Relations The Cold War and its ending with the dismantling of the Soviet Union and a great reduction in the threat of communism as a competing system to capitalism and democratic governance changed the focus of US foreign policy. The change did not happen overnight and has ebbed and flowed significantly across time, often associated with the nature of foreign conflicts and US involvement in them but change it did (Saull, 2007, p. 180). The reduction of the size, might and influence of the US military and many institutions associated with foreign relations was almost directly in response to the reduction in the obvious large and cohesive threat of the Soviet Union. Once that cohesive threat, a sort of outside check and balance with which the US had to meet toe to toe created a public and internal government demand for reduction of spending and investment in the US armed forces and also a point of access that changed the manner in which the US attempted to influence and redirect foreign nations (Saull, 2007, p. 180). According to Saul: The collapse of Soviet communism and disintegration of the USSR ushered in a systemic transformation in the structure and political character of the international system. The socio-economic and ideological challenge to capitalism and the capitalist great powers that had originated in 1917, and the geopolitical and strategic arrangements that had emerged after 1945, were replaced with the termination of the USSRsShow MoreRelatedAmerican Strategy For U.s. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Artificial Intelligence Free Essays

The movie Artificial Intelligence: A.I. is written and directed by Steven Spielberg, and stars Haley Joel Osment (â€Å"David†) and Jude Law (â€Å"Gigolo Joe†). We will write a custom essay sample on Artificial Intelligence or any similar topic only for you Order Now    The movie is set in the future in a civilization that has taken drastic steps to ensure the survival and prosperity of society by limiting human population. Wealthy nations stay afloat by limiting the number of childbirths allowed per married couple.   In fact couples who exceed the minimum legal standard for number of children were penalized by law.   Human beings also co-exist with androids, called â€Å"mechas† who perform various functions for their human owners, such as gardeners, nannies, laborers, and, in Joe’s case, gigolos. Traditionally, the androids built by humans were not programmed to feel any emotions.   They were programmed merely to assist in the day-to-day lives of human beings.   This all changes when a company called Cybertonics creates a boy mecha called David, who is built not only with artificial intelligence, but with emotional intelligence (or EQ) as well. In other words, David can love, looks for love, and responds to love from a human being.   As such, David is an experimental model, since no other mecha had been built quite like him, and Cybertronics selected one of their employees, Henry Swinton (played by Sam Robards) from a list of candidates of possible parents-to-be to take in David and to treat him as his own son. Henry decides to take David home under the advisement of the doctor who was worried about the health of Henry’s wife Monica (played by Frances O’Connor). Their own son, Martin (played by Jake Thomas) was seriously ill and was in suspended animation for a long time.   The doctors did not see the possibility of him recovering. The doctor told Henry that instead of worrying about his son, he should start worrying about the emotional wellness of his wife.   In order to do that, Henry thought that he should fill the void left by the â€Å"loss† of their son by taking home David to take Martin’s place. At first, Monica (played by Frances O’Connor) is appalled at the idea.  Ã‚  Ã‚   The very thought of taking home an android to take Martin’s place angers Monica in the beginning. Henry then appeases her by telling her that he will take David back. He then informs Monica that there is a code consisting of 7 random words that, if spoken, will enable a mechanism in David to start acting and feeling like a real boy.   He warns her that if that code is enabled, David can no longer be returned.   He will have to be destroyed in the factory because if activated, the android would recognize no other mother and would be worthless. She is initially afraid of David, and tries to ignore him, but her maternal instincts take over, and soon, she warms up to David and starts treating him as her son. One morning Monica decides to activate the code embedded inside David, and he himself starts to respond to Monica in the way a human child responds to his or her parent.   David does everything he can to please Monica, and she responds with warmth and love.   At the Swintons, David also makes friend with Teddy, a mecha teddy bear who speaks and has taken it upon himself to keep an eye out for David. Unfortunately, David’s happy stay at the Swintons, where he is treated as a real live boy and a son, does not last for long.   Martin, the Swintons’ real son, recovers miraculously from his illness and is sent home to his parents.   Upon his arrival, Martin becomes jealous over the attention and love his mother bestows on David. He starts thinking of ways to get David into trouble, to make his mother Monica love David less, and to give him, Martin, her full love and attention. How to cite Artificial Intelligence, Papers Artificial Intelligence Free Essays One were to take a look around the room they are currently in, chances are there would be some form of artificial Intelligence present. From cell phones to computers – artificial Intelligence Is everywhere and even a way of life. The next generation of people may never know what life is without some form of intelligence embedded into their everyday schedule and routines. We will write a custom essay sample on Artificial Intelligence or any similar topic only for you Order Now Perhaps the coffee pot that brews their caffeinated beverage every morning is programmed in such a way that they don’t even have to touch it. Originally, however, it was programmed by a human. Robots may indeed be programmed intelligently, but robots can never replace humans. According to Kevin Money, It Is said that â€Å"Google and a lot of other companies believe robots today are like cell phones back when they were the size of bricks and cost $6,000. It may take 10 or 20 years, but before long everybody is going to have a robot – or several† (Money, 2013). Robots work alongside human beings to ensure accuracy, precision, and skill that human beings cannot perform on their own. Dan Lyons states that, â€Å"From self-service checkout lines at the supermarket to industrial robots armed with saws and taught to carve up animal carcasses In slaughter-houses, these ever- ore-Intelligent machines are now not Just assisting workers but actually kicking them out of their jobs. Automation isn’t just affecting factory workers, either. Some law firms now use artificial intelligence software to scan and read mountains of legal documents, work that previously was performed by highly paid human lawyers. Surely, robots are designed to assist humans, but can they really replace them? Author Michael Brooks writes about Hugh Lobber, a philanthropist from New York, whose goal Is to create total unemployment for all human beings throughout the world. â€Å"He wants robots to do all the work. And the first step towards that is to develop computers that seem human when you chat to them. It’s not a new idea. Alan Turing is credited with the first explicit outline o f what is now called the Turing test. A human judge sits down at a computer and has a typed conversation with an entity that responds to whatever the Judge types. If that entity is a computer, but the judge thinks It’s a person, the conversational computer program passes the test (Brooks, 2013). † Human beings are highly flawed creatures and they often make mistakes. Robots, on the other hand, are computers – they execute a skill, time and mime again, without flaw, for the most part. That’s why they are often used in medical settings, so that doctors can have the assistance of a robot to help execute a task. Dan Lyons states, â€Å"surgeons are using robotic systems to perform an ever-growing list of operations–not because the machines save money but because, thanks to the greater precision of robots, the patients recover In less time and have fewer complications, says Dry. Miriam Cure. † However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that robots are going to replace humans. â€Å"The surgery bots don’t replace surgeons?you still need a surgeon to drive the robot† (Lyons, 2013). Unfortunately, computers are computers, and one day, they will crash. It may not happen right away, but eventually, there will be a glitch, a mistake, or an entire shutdown. Computers do not have a will or desire to complete a task, so they are only as good as they are programmed. In fact, there are many attributes that computers simply cannot intelligent as they may seem. It is inaccurate to think that a computer may genuinely mimic or replace a human, because they simply don’t have mental skills. A robot may be programmed to respond to certain types of tones, words, or body language, but he beautiful thing about human beings is that they can come up with their own responses on their own – no matter what the stimulus may be. According to Greg Egan, it is healthier to communicate with a real human being rather than an artificially intelligent one. He states that, â€Å"The art of conversation, of listening attentively and weighing each response, is not a universal gift, any more than any other skill. Honing one’s conversational skills with a computer–discovering your strengths and weaknesses while enjoying a chat with a character that is no less interesting for failing to exist–might well lead to better conversations with fellow unmans† (Egan, 2014). This is significant because human beings need this sort of interaction for mental health and stability. If one were connected to a robot, rather than a human, they would get a false sense of reality. Michael Brooks feels the same way about it. He says, â€Å"When we talk to each other, whether it’s about last night’s TV or the wisdom of a military strike on Syria, we are doing something far harder than sending a rocket to the moon. We did the moon-shot decades ago but we still can’t make a machine that will hold a decent conversation† (Brooks, 2013). Human beings make mistakes. It is simply a part of human nature. If a human was around a robot that didn’t make mistakes, or wasn’t â€Å"human† enough, then the person would become uncomfortable. According to The Economist, â€Å"To keep human workers at ease, collaborative robots should also have an appropriate size and appearance. Collaborative, humanoid robots should generally be no larger than a six-year-old, a size most adults reckon they could overpower if necessary. Large eyes make robots seem friendlier and, crucially, more aware of their surroundings. † This goes to show the relationships that humans have with each other: the bigger and stronger a arson seems to be, the more intimidating they become. There is a trust issue that takes place within the need for big eyes to seem friendlier and the need to be aware of current surroundings. Isn’t one of the greatest parts of being human the ability to judge character and decide, individually, who is frightening and untrustworthy and who is not? The article also adds, â€Å"But overly humanoid features can lead to problematically unrealistic expectations. † So, if the robot were to randomly burst into flames, then the human would no longer trust it. Alas, assuming the robot could be rusted in the first place would lead to unrealistic expectations – expectations that are not human enough to exceed. Robots are unique because they are programmed. Humans are unique because they are not – meaning they are able to think for themselves and make mistakes. The Economist states that it is important to give robots â€Å"A defining human trait–the ability to make mistakes. Amah Salem programmed a humanoid Asimov robot, made by Honda, to make occasional harmless mistakes such as pointing to one drawer while talking about another. When it comes to household robots, test subjects prefer those that err over infallible ones, Dry Salem says. This is significant to see that humans prefer robots to be more human-like by making mistakes because it makes the person more comfortable. It is almost laughable, because a human is such prone to error, so the robot might as well be, they would prefer a robot to make a mistake would mean that they are searching for that connection – a connection that would sound something like, â€Å"we are only human† and they shrug it off and feel comforted again. Although robots are indeed artificially intelligent and have many technological capabilities, they still can never be exactly eke humans or completely replace humans. They may be able to help doctors and surgeons, factory workers, and make life a little easier in the everyday world, but they simply cannot mimic humans. Therefore, the idea of connecting with a robot should be thrown out the window, along with the idea of making a robot make mistakes on purpose for the comfort of the nearest human being. What the nearest human being needs is to connect with the next human being and have a reassuring conversation that they will not lose their Job to a robot – unless they fail to program their robot ropey. How to cite Artificial Intelligence, Papers Artificial Intelligence Free Essays Technology keeps on getting better and better time to time. According to the Kondratieff Cycle, the technology changes states in around 50 years and in the early years of this 50 year cycle it builds upon only losses and only in the last ten years it brigs true returns which are actually the costs of adapting the technology being nullified. Artificial Intelligence is the premium technology being practiced today as it has the ability to mimic human behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Artificial Intelligence or any similar topic only for you Order Now The fact that AI systems can learn make them more viable for race to gain edge over your rivals, therefore firms are readily adapting such systems as they tend to boost performance of the firms. AI, not only helps the firms, but also helps individuals (employees) in understanding the cases and directing strategies efficiently. It also reduces the work load for many employees but at a tactical or top level. AI is more like a nightmare for operational level employees as it tends to destroy the chain to speed up operations. For instance, an efficient AI planted into a manufacturing firm can eliminate the need for manpower in assembling departments. At present, the commercial world is hungry for technology that would ease operations and decision making to the maximum level as the long run costs of maintaining these systems are extremely low as compared to employee management programs. This means that professional jobs are at stake. Further, such systems do not have an aging problem so knowledge can be contained easily. The point still argued is can we rely on machines that work on binary codes i.e. Yes or No options only? Computers can think but can not think rationally as humans may do, computers may be able to comprehend faster but still they can not act intuitively as humans do. References 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jan Goldberg, Mark Rowh, (2003), â€Å"Great Jobs for Computer Science Majors† Edition: 2, McGraw-Hill Professional 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Alan Kernoff, Tom Schwartz Associates, (1986), â€Å"Who’s who in Artificial Intelligence: The AI Guide to People, Products, Companies, Resources, Schools and Jobs†, WWAI, 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samir Dasgupta, Ray Kiely, (2006), â€Å"Globalization and After†, Sage Publications, How to cite Artificial Intelligence, Papers Artificial intelligence Free Essays Artificial Intelligence Is defined as the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Artificial intelligence has come a long way as our culture has developed. Many people believe that artificial intelligence is in a sense giving these computers sentience or making them alive. We will write a custom essay sample on Artificial intelligence or any similar topic only for you Order Now What most people don’t agree on is that Artificial Intelligence Is hat delightfulness Ass’s from humans if they can think critically about situations and form their own opinions. In the movie â€Å"The Final Moments of Karl Brand† we are shown the basic sense of how humans feel about sentient AH systems. Karl Brand a top researcher for a new experimental AH system downloads his memories into a device. Later after he is murdered his friend pulls up the memories he had â€Å"uploaded† and they create a sentient AH version of himself. Most people are greatly disturbed by the fact that AH could possibly become In a sense living and have a unconsciousness, In this movie the cop is deeply disturbed and rushes to pull the plug on the sediment being. This is how most people commonly react to change and constantly improving technology. Everyday Hollywood releases movies like terminator, and Robotic where artificial intelligences go haywire and takeover all of humanity. However, Most artificial intelligences are actually very intelligent and almost have a human like reasoning and logic. It is because of this sense of â€Å"sentience† that most people feel uncomfortable about robots and the growing technological age. How to cite Artificial intelligence, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Model of Business Intelligence on Decision †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Model of Business Intelligence on Decision. Answer: Introduction It is important for organizations to not only realize the need for business intelligence (BI), but also to effectively integrate it within its decision making process in order to create and sustain the organizational competitive advantage (Ahmad, 2015). Researchers argue that an effective system could improve the decision making process and enhance knowledge sharing within the employees through sharing information and best practices. BI could be used to gather information about the external environment and the competition among the markets, including, competitors, new technology, customer behavior and market forces (Eidizadeh et al., 2017). As the SunPower Corporation faces problem related to decision making, it is important to the decision makers at the company to use Business intelligence (BI) tools to enable them from taking the right decisions. The company should create a project plan which aims at overcoming its decision making problems, provide recommendations depending on the reports of the BI tools, systems and applications. The following section discusses the project scope, objectives, functional and non-functional specifications, feasibility study, limitations and resource specifications. First: project scope The SunPower corporation needs to realize the importance of operating BI, DSS and the KM applications within its business to support the decision making process. DSS could be combined with operations research to reduce the cost and achieve flexibility in managing business operations (Bakhrankova, 2010). For example, the Honda case which resulted in a complex decision making process of having only one shift or two shifts, such business tools could assist in solving complex problems. The following section discusses the usability of business intelligence BI tools, decision support systems (DSS) and knowledge management (KM). Business intelligence (BI) is widely used within organizations nowadays, it is mainly used to combine data, storage and knowledge management by using analytical tools in order to present information reports to decision makers (Ahmad, 2015). The advantage of BI, is its speed in processing data to enable managers to take the accurate and right decision. BI includes a variety of analytical programs. BI is designed to transfer data to information and information to knowledge, this process adds value to the business (Eidizadeh et al., 2017). The right decisions lead to organizational success, as the organization can lead an excellent business performance based on accurate information. The fast development of IT resulted in producing decision support systems (DSS) that enables the managers to solve decision problems. DSS can support both individual, group decisions and the organizational decisions as a whole (Liu et al., 2017). Knowledge management is a strategy used by an organization to increase its competitiveness. Researchers argue that KM is the best way to achieve competitive advantage (Eidizadeh et al., 2017). The project has two main objectives, firstly, to apply the business information tools, systems and approaches at the enterprise level to support the decision making process. The SunPower Corporation can use different BI tools, systems and information intelligence approaches to simulate its decisions from various functional areas, for example, the case of NASA, which asked for cells for a solar powered airplane (Helios), the cells were successfully produced, but NASA asked for cost reduction. BI tools can assist in creating different scenarios with different costs to managers to select the most appropriate scenario. Secondly, to diversify the business information tools to include the data mining tools, which are considered the most widely applied tools, as they can add value to the business processes, clarify the buying pattern of the customer and profitability, through mining the data warehouse to support the decision making process (Ahmad, 2015). These two objectives should be fulfi lled within a specific time frame to ensure the success of the project. Third: functional and non-functional specifications The decision makers at the SunPower should decide the functional and non-functional specifications of the BI tools and knowledge applications that could most fulfill the project objectives. Regarding advancements in the systems thinking, there is a growing need for information system, which resulted in many approaches utilizing the DSS tools in managing operations while focusing on particular problems. These needs resulted in creating the evolutionary complex systems (ECS) that provides simulation models (Baldwin et al., 2010). Accordingly, the consequences of different decisions related to different functional areas can be simulated to enable taking the right and most effective decisions. There are many internal BI tools, including, data mining, query and reporting, OLAP, data virtualization. These tools enable organizations to aggregate, filter and summarize data (Harrison et al., 2015). Knowledge based systems are used by organizations to provide better knowledge processing, it enables managers to better understand the problem and gain new knowledge. Knowledge creation is linked to decision making. Also, they enable the knowledge sharing process. Automating the decision making process by using knowledge based systems, reduces the time needed to make decisions and the cost of doing activities related to decision making, which are considered critical factors in making right decisions (Rouhani et al., 2016). Third: feasibility study The SunPower Corporation main target was to commercialize solar concentrator21 technology, but by referring to relevant environmental aspects, it was found that the PV alternative is lower cost, also they are not suitable for many small distributed remote applications. By realizing these information, managers decided to change their production decision. The knowledge management strategy within SunPowerm started to consider the external environment aspects which led to more efficient and effective decision. In order to develop a realistic feasibility study, the company needs to share knowledge to add value. BI assists in the knowledge sharing process among employees within the organization. Knowledge sharing assists in transferring knowledge practices and problem solving processes, its benefits affect the current and future activities. BI assists in transferring knowledge among business units to create new knowledge (Eidizadeh et al., 2017). From the economic perspective, knowledge sh aring is considered a source of organizational power as a knowledge asset by itself does not guarantee power. The power of knowledge sharing creates an organizational competitive advantage due to transferring the tacit knowledge, which is unique and can't be imitated by competitors. SunPower Corporation could be empowered through the knowledge sharing with its new partner Swanson, to exchange their expertise in semiconductor manufacturing as they are considered experts in transferring RD to manufactured products. Forth: resources specifications The mapping process of the KM cycle uses tools and technologies, which are considered the project resources in the case of SunPower Corporation. KM should identify the required tools and resources to be used in each phase in the KM cycle (Kumar Islam, 2014). KMapping is considered a new approach to knowledge management. The KMaps are used to discover the sources of knowledge, either explicit or tacit. Also, they are used to facilitate the process of locating experiences within the organization. KMaps supports effective communication among employees (Lee Fink, 2013). KMapping in SunPower Corporation, requires development of prototypes that matches the requirements of the software available in the organization. Implementing a knowledge strategy should be based on an established road map of the organizational knowledge to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals. The KS should consider all of the organizational operations, including, knowledge creation, transfer and application in order to create an organizational competitive advantage. Different aspects to be considered in formulating the knowledge management strategy include, structure, the prevailing type of knowledge, culture and the employee behavior. The environmental aspects also should be considered (Donate Canales, 2012). Accordingly, the project is limited to apply the required tools that can effectively fulfill the company goals within the planned strategy. Conclusion: Business intelligence (BI) is widely used within organizations nowadays, it is mainly used to combine data, storage and knowledge management. The fast development of IT resulted in producing decision support systems (DSS) that enables the managers to solve decision problems. The SunPower corporation needs to realize the importance of operating BI, DSS and the KM applications within its business to support the decision making process. Knowledge based systems are used by organizations to provide better knowledge processing, it enables managers to better understand the problem and gain new knowledge. SunPower Corporation can use different BI tools, systems and information intelligence approaches to simulate its decisions from various functional areas. Organizations need to share knowledge to add value. BI assists in the knowledge sharing process among employees within the organization. From the economic perspective, knowledge sharing is considered a source of organizational power. KMapping is considered a new approach to knowledge management. The KMaps are used to discover the sources of knowledge, either explicit or tacit. KMapping in SunPower Corporation, requires development of prototypes that matches the requirements of the software available in the organization. References Ahmad, A 2015, Business intelligence for sustainable competitive advantage, In Sustaining competitive advantage via business intelligence, knowledge management, and system dynamics, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.3-220. Bakhrankova, K 2010, Decision support system for continuous production, Industrial Management Data Systems, 110(4), pp.591-610. Baldwin, J, Allen, P Ridgway, K 2010, An evolutionary complex systems decision support tool for the management of operations, International Journal of Operations Production Management, 30(7), pp.700-20. Donate, M Canales, I 2012, A new approach to the concept of knowledge strategy, Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(1), pp.22-44. Eidizadeh, R, Salehzadeh, R Chitsaz, A 2017, Analysing the role of business intelligence, knowledge sharing and organisational innovation on gaining competitive advantage, Journal of Workplace Learning, 29(4), pp.250-67. Harrison, R, Parker, A, Brosas, G, Chiong, R, Tian, X 2015, The role of technology in the management and exploitation of internal business intelligence, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 17(3), pp.247-62. Kumar, N Islam, A 2014, Knowledge management implementation in a library: Mapping tools and technologies to phases of the KM cycle, VINE, 44(3), pp.322-44. Lee, J Fink, D 2013, Knowledge mapping: encouragements and impediments to adoption, Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(1), pp.16-28. Liu, S, Delibasic, B, Butel, L Han, X 2017, Sustainable knowledge-based decision Sustainable knowledge-based decision, Industrial Management Data Systems, 117(7), pp.1318-22. Rouhani, S, Ashrafi, A, Zare, A Afshari, S 2016, The impact model of business intelligence on decision support and organizational benefits, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29(1), pp.19-50.